Atemoya vs. Sugar Apple

Atemoya vs. Sugar Apple

Is atemoya the same fruit as sugar apple?

No, Atemoya (Annona atemoya) is not the same fruit as the Sugar apple (Annona squamosa), but both are a part of the Annonaceae fruit family. 

The atemoya fruit is a hybrid of Cherimoya (Annona cherimola) crossed with Sugar apple (Annona squamosa); where and what’s produced is called an Atemoya.

The Atemoya fruit is different from the cherimoya and the sugar apple.

Atemoya (Annona atemoya)

Where did atemoya originate from?

In Florida, the first atemoya hybrids were produced by horticulturist P.J Wester at the United States Department of Agriculture in Miami in 1908. The first atemoya seedlings of atemoya were planted in 1910. 

It is important to note that natural atemoya hybrids exist in South America, with sugar apple and cherimoya trees growing in nature and pollinating by pollinators.

What does atemoya taste like?

Atemoya fruits taste like a sweet custard mixture of pineapple and sweet tropical berries. Its flavor ranges among varieties of atemoya.

What does the inside of an atemoya look like?

The inside of an atemoya is white, with seeds aligning in the center. 

What are the nutritional benefits of atemoyas?

The nutritional benefits of eating 100 grams of atemoya include:

  • 79 calories.
  • 19.01 grams of carbohydrates.
  • 1.76 grams of protein.
  • 0.39 grams of fat.
  • A healthy portion of vitamins B6 and C.

Sugar Apple (Annona squamosa)

Where do sugar apples originate from?

Sugar apples (Annona squamosa) are said to originate in the South American tropics.

What does a sugar apple taste like?

Sugar apples taste like a sweet pear mixed with pineapple and mango that has a delectable custard sweetness.

Whats the inside of a sugar apple look like?

Sugar apples appear similar when open to atemoyas, but the flesh is segmented and not flush together like atemoyas.

What are the nutritional advantages of eating sugar apple fruit?

Per 100 grams of sugar apple (Annona squamosa) offers 94 calories, 26.64 grams of carbohydrates, 0.29 grams of fat, and 2.06 grams of protein. They also contain vitamins and minerals like riboflavin, thiamine, Vitamin B6, niacin, potassium, magnesium, and manganese.


What are the similarities between atemoya and sugar apple fruit

The similarities between atemoya and sugar apple are that they are both a part of the Annonaceae fruit family. 

Both fruits are also similar in taste, although each has unique taste characteristics that make them distinctive. Another similarity is that the flowers of atemoya and sugar apples appear and are pollinated the same way.

What are the differences between sugar apple and atemoya fruit?

The differences between sugar apple and atemoya fruit are the following.

  • Atemoya fruits can be grown at a higher elevation, while sugar apple struggles to grow at higher elevations.
  • Sugar apples are typically smooth with no pointy parts, while atemoyas are bumpy with small sharp bumps.
  • Sugar apple fruits on the inside typically come apart when eaten, while atemoya fruits remain whole and are not segmented on the inside like a sugar apple is.


In conclusion, sugar apple and atemoya fruits are different fruits, but both are a part of the Annona fruit family.

Both fruits have a tropical and unique taste and texture, with atemoyas having more hints of sweetness and acidity, while sugar apples have a taste profile that’s more custard and sweet.

Both fruits have a wide range of uses, from icecreams to medical applications, and are very beneficial to the human body. Whether you like sugar apples or atemoyas, you should include these delicious fruits in your home garden.

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